Category: EMVs

Stuff in Space | May 14-2012

Stuff in Space – Kevin answers and clarifies some points raised by a listener about the many SOHO satellite photos that appear to show “objects” near the sun. He explains why he said what he said in the show, “Cosmic Rays? Now that’s Rich”. And, he presents some of the background research he did prior to making those statements. (James Horak is calling in)

James Horak | Solar Anvil | July 12-2011

James Horak discusses the very large object that is seen to be near our sun on the COR2 A (ahead) camera from the SECCHI program of the Naval Research Laboratory. He describes what it is and what it does. He says the image is an actual object, and both he and Kevin state their reasons for not buying the official line that this is a fiber on the lens of the camera.



Giant Object discovered near our Sun – The Solar Anvil
Six weeks of solar activity – timelapse from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011
Composit of images from SECCHI COR2-A and SECCHI EUVI-A 304
provided by Naval Research Laboratory on

James Horak explains some astonishing phenomena we witness around our Sun. Next to the Sun, in a two o’clock position we see an object that is called the ‘Solar Anvil’ and has never been mentioned by science. This object is larger than all our planets together and has been there all the time and is captured by solar observatories in space and now published for the whole world to see. The sensation being that these images are actually presented to us unexplained and that science does not even ask what it is, at least publicly. NASA claims it is a fiber from the coat of Santa Claus, but everybody knows the true abbreviation for NASA: Never A Straight Answer.

You are now witness to a whole new discovery and called upon to change your concept of what reality is, don’t hesitate, it will benefit you, our world and our chances of survival. Only note this: We are really taken care of by some awesome spiritual technology all around us that now can be observed in action.

In this video you see after a series of six strong blasts within four days, starting from June 1. 2011, that the area between the Solar Anvil and the Sun is darkening. Being converted to a low energy state, the darkened area is now forming a kind of connection between the Anvil and the Sun. After these blasts and the forming of that ‘Channel’ or ‘Portal’ the whole vicinity around the sun starts to fill up with fast moving objects that must all be quite large. These objects are using the Channel or the Portal that was facilitated by the Sun and the Solar Anvil to jump here from all over the universe, mostly passing through, as James knows.

There is time compression involved and those EMVs and ET craft that we see emerging en masse from the Portal are using that possibility, facilitated by the Solar Anvil and the energy of the Sun.

We see other strange objects but the most peculiar is a sun-cruiser resembling a butterfly in its shape, passing by on a curved path, coming close to a flare and charging up. This is a civilisation that is using a different kind of technology, maybe the Hippies of the Universe?

The amount of blasts and solar activity within only six weeks is astounding and one would come to think how this could be going on for more than six billion years without the Sun being depleted rather sooner than later.

This video is so awe inspiring especially when you can understand what is explained here by the most qualified man there is and who is helping us to get to the stars as well – if we defeat the NWO.

And what did Pink Floyd know to sing about to ‘Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun’?

2 Topics in Stereo | Oct. 12-2010

2 Topics in Stereo – Kevin presents information and evidence about the strange large objects appearing around our sun, and the black hole in media coverage of them. He reads an e-mail from a listener who thinks the “black hole” in media reporting may be just Kevin’s perception rather than reality.

KSS | James Horak – Ft.Worth UFO | Feb. 15-2012

James Horak – never dull and usually jawdropping. James says he is eye witness to the amazing display of brilliant light “explosions” over Ft. Worth on May 11, 2011. He describes what was happening which flies in the face of the “official” explanation. What was it?

Fort Worth UFO Explosions discussed by Kevin Smith and James Horak

The original footage for this video was filmed in Ft. Worth, Texas on May 10th 2011 by Brian Luenser ( and caused some speculation about what is shown here. This video was discussed on the Kevin Smith Show later with James Horak. James knows quite a bit about what we see in this amazing video because he was there when it happened. Kevin Smith finally is getting answers that are certainly hard to comprehend for most.

Choose HD to watch on full screen!


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